


第12回インターリンクフェスティバル('95)タンペレ・ビエンナーレ音楽祭('96)ポエジズフェスティバル('03)。1998年Japan Skyscraper Projectブッチ・モリスのConductionアメリカツアー参加。


2009年NY カーネギーホールにてテリー・ライリー、クロノス・カルテットと共演。2011年国際交流基金の派遣にて、ベトナム、フィリピン公演。2012年BURAPHA UNIVERSITY(タイ)にてレクチャーワークショップとコンサート。


ソロCD「鳥のように」をキングレコードよりリリース。現在、古典から現代曲の新作初演、録音、即興演奏等、国内外の音楽祭やリサイタルに、またソロとしても積極的に活動を行うほか、沢井忠夫合奏団団員、 KOTO VORTEXやモノフォニー・コンソート(音楽監督・藤枝守)、Trinity、Den3(2006〜)のメンバーとしても柔軟な感性とその適応力で様々なアプローチを行っている。三重大学非常勤講師(2004〜)。沢井筝曲院師範として後進の指導にもあたっている。

Miki Maruta

Miki Maruta studied the koto under Tadao Sawai, Kazue Sawai and Takako Kikuuta, and graduated from the Takasaki College of Music with top of honors, after earning a scholarship there to study koto music. For two years beginning in 1990, she taught koto music and the jiuta sangen genre as a artist in residence at WesleyanUniversity in the United States. In 1994 she was selected for an internship in the performing arts at the Agency for Cultural Affairs and the same year played at the 12th Interlink Festival. In 1996 Maruta performed at the Tampere Music Festival and in 1998 participated in Butch Morris’“U.S. Conduction Tour.” Also in 1998 she was invited to perform at a concert put on by the Korean Contemporary Music Society. Maruta appeared in a festival sponsored by Kanagawa Prefecture in 1999, the sixth “Hibiki no Renaissance,” and played a concert together with Terry Riley. She appeared in concert in Tunisia in 2001 at the behest of the Japan Foundation. That same year she released a solo CD on King Records entitled “Tori no Youni” ( Like a Bird). After performing a solo recital in 1995, she began giving regular live shows primarily in the Tokyo area that feature a wide range of materials, from classic pieces to first performances of classic songs, recordings, and improvisation. While doing so she has utilized her flexible sensibility and adaptability to collaborate with artists across an array of genres. Maruta’s performances at music festivals both in Japan and abroad have also been warmly received.